Do you find it hard to control your emotions? Do you find yourself getting angry, anxious, or sad at the drop of a hat? If your answer is yes, chances are you might be experiencing emotional dysregulation. While unpleasant and intense emotions are part and parcel of life, emotional dysregulation occurs when you are unable to manage your emotions adaptively or appropriately, to the point where it interferes with your quality of life, social interactions, and relationships at home, work, or school.
Read moreThe Importance Of Creating A Healthy Working Environment
Mental health has never been a more crucial aspect of the workplace, especially since the pandemic. As such, the workplace plays a vital role in fostering and building such an environment. Just this year, Singapore was ranked the top four most overworked cities in the world, just after Dubai, Hong Kong, and Kuala Lumpur.
Read moreHolding Space: An Effective Therapy Method You Can Practise
Similar to being in a community, therapeutic spaces, too, have their own set of languages and terminologies. While some of them may be more clinal terms that you might come across, often describing mental health-related abbreviations or diagnoses, others are much more general and are not just limited to therapeutic spaces.
Read moreTalking To A Therapist Before A Mental & Emotional Breakdown
Emotions are at the heart of what it is to be human. Emotions connect us to every object, person, and event we have come across in our lives. The lack of emotion would mean that we would not be able to develop relationships and connect with others or have sympathy or empathy.
Read moreBuild Mastery: A DBT Technique To Achieve Good Mental Health
In Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), building mastery refers to doing things that are slightly difficult in nature to build an individual’s sense of achievement and competence. When we were younger, we all had a natural drive to build mastery. We would push our way through to learn to talk, walk, run, or do the things that we see older children do. We would accept that while it was not easy to pick up, we would always get back on our feet when we fell.
Read moreHow To Work Through Depression & Anxiety In Your Marriage
In every relationship, a couple will go through their fair share of ups and downs. However, when a partner is going through depression or anxiety, both partners face a new set of challenges.
Read moreCBT Techniques And How It Can Help Children Self-Discover
At a time when cognitive, emotional, and social development is rapid, enabling children to become aware that their thoughts can influence their behaviour and emotion is one of the critical lessons we can pass on. Reframing unproductive and maladaptive thinking and the assumptions that underpin it is essential for navigating the personal and emotional challenges of growing up.
Read moreUnderstanding Teenage Depression And Ways To Spot It Early
With intense hormonal and physical changes during puberty, our teenage years are some of the most mentally and emotionally challenging part of our lives. Oftentimes, teenagers tend to exhibit heightened levels of moodiness during this period. Is this merely a phase? Or is this a sign of something more serious like depression which requires professional help?
Read moreUnderstanding The Fundamentals Behind Psychotherapy Sessions
“When it rains, it pours”.
Have you ever felt as though there’s simply too much for you to handle? Too many deadlines, too many stressors, too many issues? If so, you are not alone.
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