Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (CTONI-2)

The Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (CTONI-2) is an IQ test that assess skills in reasoning and problem-solving. The CTONI-2 is a multiple-choice test, where clients can simply point to an option as a response. No oral responses, reading, writing or object manipulation is required.

What does the CTONI-2 measure?

The CTONI-2 measures analogical reasoning, categorical classification and sequential reasoning with subtests in 2 different contexts — pictures of familiar objects and geometric designs. Hence there are these 6 subtests:

Ψ Pictorial analogies,
Ψ Geometric analogies,
Ψ Pictorial categories,
Ψ Geometric categories,
Ψ Pictorial sequences &
Ψ Geometric sequences

Advantages of the CTONI-2

The CTONI-2 requires relatively less time to complete compared to other intelligence tests. In addition, as non-verbal responses can be used to respond to questions, this test is suitable for those who have disabilities or impairments in language or motor abilities (e.g traumatic brain injury, post-stroke syndrome, deafness, aphasia, autism or other language disorders).

However, the CTONI-2 relies heavily on pictures for its questions, therefore, this test may be less suitable for those with visual impairments. In such cases, we would recommend alternative intelligence tests, such as the Wechsler Intelligence for Adults, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children or Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence

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The Rubik's Cube improves Spacial and Fine Motor Skills

The CTONI-2 is appropriate for children and adults ranging from 6 to 90 months of age.

It takes around 40 to 60 minutes to complete the test.