Psychometric & IQ Testing

Conners (3rd Edition)

The Conners 3rd Edition is equipped with new scoring options for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition) Symptom Scales. It is currently used to assess attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and common comorbid disorders in children and adolescents.

The Conners 3 uses multiple scales to assess ADHD-related concerns, such as inattention, hyperactivity and related issues in executive functioning, learning and aggression. It can also flag up common comorbid disorders, such as oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, anxiety or depression. This means it also has conduct critical items (e.g weapon use, fire starting) to identify youths who require immediate attention and intervention.

The Conners 3 comes in three forms — a full-length form, a short form and an index form.

Ψ Full-length forms: most detailed information of all the forms (approx. 20 minutes)
Ψ Short forms: useful when administering the full-length version is not possible or practical (approx. 10 minutes)
Ψ Index forms: useful in screening and progress monitoring situations (approx. 5 minutes)

The Conners 3 provides 2 index scores: the Conners 3 ADHD Index and the Conners 3 Global Index.

As the Conners 3 offers a comprehensive assessment of ADHD and related conditions, it is useful for planning and monitoring management plans. The parent and teacher versions of the assessment can also be used to get different perspectives of an individual’s condition. This can help zone in on areas to target during therapy, using form responses to guide decisions about specific behaviours requiring intervention.

However, it is important to note that the use of the Conners 3 is not recommended for children or adolescents who are disoriented or severely impaired, possess poor reading abilities, or who are not proficient in English or Spanish. 

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The Conners (3rd Ed.) is appropriate for children and adolescents ranging from 6 to 18 years of age.

It takes around 20 minutes to complete the assessment.